WS&A provides local engineering support and technical sales for manufacturers and service companies who desire to increase sales in the Mid-Atlantic region.
WS&A is a predictable sales cost that is directly linked to sales dollars. We have a long-term commitment to the territory and a loyalty built on years of providing solutions to our customers through multi-line selling. WS&A offers an established, functional sales office with an office manager, conference room, wireless LAN, high speed Internet access, Blackberry cell phones, and a sales force with 40+ years experience. Last year, we collectively drove over 100K miles, met or spoke to over 4,000 engineers, designers, and buyers, consumed over 96,000 cell phone minutes, and worked with 18 major mechanical and electronic distributors. We support programs designed locally, and manufactured in South America, the Far East, and Europe.We utilize “opt-in” or “permission based marketing” to send email newsletters to customers eager to learn of your latest product developments.